Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We Have All Had A Day Like This On Our Fitness Journey...

As I sit here watching the Cav’s beat the Bulls and advance to the next round of the 2010 NBA playoffs; I can’t help but think how miserable I feel. See, I didn’t get a chance to workout today… It is like the entire universe was against me pressing play!!!

1. I didn’t get enough sleep last night… But, I still could fight through it and workout, right????

2. My wife was extremely late picking me up from work, making me grumpier then normal… Best time to workout and release some stress, right???

3. By the time I did finally get home I was really tired… Again, fight through it and press play, aye????

4. It’s my daughter’s birthday… Maybe I can fit the workout in, she won’t care as long as I order her some pizza, right????

5. Finally, we are watching our neighbors two little boys while they go out tonight; thus they are now playing Wii in the room I workout in and running all over the house…

Ummmmmmm, OK!!!! That’s it… I’ve had it!!!! I will just make the day up!!!! I’m just not in the mood!!!!

We have all said this or had this happen or have had this feeling on our fitness journey...

But here is a silver lining…

You felt bad for not working-out and that is a good thing!

I feel horrible for not working-out!!!! Which is an awesome feeling!!! I still feel like crap, but I will feel better tomorrow when I get the workout in. See, that is a change in my mentality and I can finally say that I think I’m starting to get my mind right, going into month two of Insanity!

My first week of month two was like starting from day one, all over again. It really sucked! Everything I thought I was ready for went out the window after the warm-up of the first day of month two. The first workout was Max Interval Circuit and it killed me. It was double the time of the workouts in month one and the moves were twice as hard. It was a crushing blow to my ego. The next day was Max Interval Plyometrics and it was equally hard. You still get the crazy cardio, but they throw in all the jumping and strength training you expect from a plyo workout. Max Cardio Conditioning was next up and it was truly insane! Non-stop cardio and strength training with nonexistent breaks! This one was my favorite of the month two workouts thus far. Finally, it was time for Max Recovery and then I started the whole thing over again until my rest day. All the workouts are double the reps of the month one workouts and about 20 mins longer.

I had a head cold the entire week and felt horrible, but I kept pressing play and made it through the week. As I move through my second week, I feel a lot better and can feel my strength and cardio improving with each workout. My weight loss has seemed to have slowed down, which is not a good thing for me mentally. I’m stuck at 179 lbs and still would like to lose another 13 lbs. I’m trying to tweak my diet and I’m also using Hydroxycut Hardcore, which I enjoy because of the energy boost. I have had to add more carbohydrates back into my diet because I felt like my workouts were suffering. I just felt sluggish and fatigued. My workouts have improved, but my weight loss has stopped. I will have to find a way to balance to two… Any suggestions?

Other then that, I’m happy with my results thus far and I promise to stay committed!

I will keep pressing play!!!!




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